Friday, February 24, 2006

Round Mound of Hound

This is more like a progress report post. I've gone into further detail in zbrush with texture colour as well as shaping some teeth for the bugger.

Here's a tip to all 3D students out there: it's obvious to keep eyeballs as seperate objects, but things like teeth, claws, and tongues should be seperate too. A number of things can happen if you dont sepearate these objects:

1) Rigging problems; it would be a pain to paint influences if the toungue was connected to the main object

2) Geometry resolution problems, specifically when modelling with ZBrush; I've run into it specifically with this model. I havent had enough geometry to work with once I got down to the claws and teeth.

Anyway, this is up for critique on CGtalk for those interested, you can find it here:

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