Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Ohhhhhh!!!!! Dr. Zaius! (Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius!)

Amadeus has to be one of my favourite movies. Everytime you watch it, there's something new that you didnt catch the last time...

well......that....and you'll go around for weeks laughing like Mozart...............AHA HA!...HA.....ha...!....

Monday, November 27, 2006


Remember in Ed Wood, when Bella Lagosi was offended about being called Karlov's sidekick? Thats the very same reaction I have when I found out that our elective teacher was once again pulling us away from our films....

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Uphill Battle Continues

Decided that this lifedrawing was post worthy. Just a lil something for the masses to keep track of my progress. Gotta say that the model duo today was really fun and looked like they had a good time getting into character. That energy most definately translates into the drawing.

James Robertson (Animation Alumni, Pixar Artist) came into our lifedrawing class today, speaking words of wisdom. For all those who missed it, you can find his blog here: